Web Components with Category Links Model in dartlero

The Category Links application has a simple model with two concepts and one relationship (Figure 1).

Alt Figure 1: graphical model

Figure 1: Graphical model.

This model is introduced in the Category Links Model in dartlero document. The model and its corresponding web components for displaying, adding, editing, removing and saving data are part of the [dartlero_category_links] (https://github.com/dzenanr/dartlero_category_links) project. If you want to see a step-by-step development of the Category Links application, consult the [dartlero_category_links_spirals] (https://github.com/dzenanr/dartlero_category_links_spirals) project.

In the Web Components with Category Links Model in dartlero document, web components of the Category Links application are explained.

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