There are 10 spirals in the [todo_mvc_spirals] ( project: from todo_mvc_s00 to todo_mvc_s09. The final version is the [dartling_todos] ( application. This post is about todo_mvc_s02.
In the todo_mvc_s02 spiral, there is a footer (Figure 1),
![Alt Figure 1: todo_mvc_s02] (/img/todo_mvc_s02/tasks_left_todo.png)
Figure 1: Tasks left to do.
with a count of items (tasks) left to do (Code 1).
Code 1: Footer in web/todo_mvc.html.
<footer id="footer">
<span id="todo-count"><strong>0</strong> item left</span>
There is a change in the lib/todo/mvc/tasks.dart file. There are two new properties (methods) in the Tasks class (Code 2). A subset of entities (here tasks) may be obtained in dartling by using an anonymous, boolean function as the argument of the select method.
Code 2: Properties.
int get completed => select((task) => task.completed).count;
int get left => count - completed;
There are two new elements in the TodoApp class (Code 3) located in the lib/app/todo_app.dart file. One element is identified by the footer id and the other by the todo-count id from Code 1.
Code 3: Elements.
class TodoApp {
Tasks tasks;
var todoWidgets = new List<TodoWidget>();
Element todoListElement = query('#todo-list');
Element footerElement = query('#footer');
Element countElement = query('#todo-count');
When a new task is added, the updateFooterDisplay method (Code 4) is called to prepare the style display value and to update the count of tasks left to be done.
Code 4: Methods in the TodoApp class.
void updateFooterDisplay() {
var display = todoWidgets.length == 0 ? 'none' : 'block'; = display;
void updateCount() {
countElement.innerHTML =
'<b>${tasks.left}</b> item${tasks.left != 1 ? 's' : ''} left';
When a task is completed, the number of tasks to do changes. In the TodoWidget class, located in the lib/app/todo_widget.dart file, a reaction to the click event on the toggle element includes now a call (Code 5) to the updateCount method of the TodoApp class.
Code 5: Update count. e) {
To be able to call the updateCount method, the application object is passed to the constructor of the TodoWidget class (Code 6).
Code 6: Application parameter.
class TodoWidget {
Task task;
TodoApp todoApp;
Element element;
Element toggleElement;
TodoWidget(this.task, this.todoApp);